

除了…之外 明尼苏达州明尼苏达州立学院和大学 政策,圣. 博彩平台大全有这些与技术相关的政策, guidelines 和 st和ards in place to help users underst和 how technology should be used at our university for the benefit of the campus community as a whole.

指导方针涉及问责制, 为那些使用学校设备和网络的人提供一致性和建立程序. 






技术滥用是指对科技的普遍滥用. 博彩平台大全的计算资源.

Examples of abuse include physical damage to computers 和 equipment or using HuskyNet resources in a way that violates law or policy, 比如在网上骚扰某人,或者在网上发送垃圾邮件. 云状态电子邮件帐户.


举报滥用资源和任何形式的骚扰涉及St. 博彩平台大全的电子邮件或技术服务,联系 IT安全协调员.




St. 博彩平台大全. 云状态)提供了许多计算和网络资源供学生使用, 教师, 工作人员和其他与圣. 云州. Members of the university community are encouraged to use electronic mail (e-mail) for university-related activities to facilitate the efficient exchange of useful information. 使用电子邮件是一种特权,与之相伴的是某些责任. 电子邮件的使用者在使用电子邮件时必须遵守道德规范和负责任.

电子邮件是计算机网络上最常用和最有用的设施之一. 确保从电子邮件中获得最大利益, 一个清晰的, 在开放交流的需求和大学资产的保护之间确定平衡是至关重要的.

The purpose of this policy is to encourage use of e-mail as an effective 和 efficient tool within the framework of the appropriate Minnesota 和 federal laws, University policies 和 rules 和 other necessary restrictions apply even if they are not specifically mentioned in this policy. 例如,员工应该牢记的责任 全州电子通信和技术伦理政策,以及任何其他适用的行为准则的条款. 


虽然大学没有定期监控所有的信息, 它确实有权力, 在任何时候, 检查任何大学设备的内容, 文件, 或在其系统上发送任何合法业务的邮件, 法律或纪律目的. 审查的原因包括, 但不限于: reasonable suspicion of a violation of a rule or law or University policy; investigation of system problems; litigation or anticipated litigation; a need to perform work when an employee is not available.

大学电子邮件系统的雇员用户必须明白,大多数通信创建, 收到或备份的系统上都认为是公共文件,因此, 可能会被要求公开披露. 员工应该记住,这种结构甚至可能适用于包含, 例如, 个人言论.

用户必须尊重系统的完整性和安全性. 用户的帐户和密码是电子邮件网络的关键, 建议用户对自己帐号和密码的安全负责. 当用户的帐户和密码为他人所知时,存在重大风险.

根据法律,某些数据是不能向公众提供的, 例如个人或非目录教育数据(“非公共数据”). 如果使用电子邮件传输此类数据,则应清楚地将其标记为非公开. Designating messages in this manner 可以 reduce the possibility that the recipient will disclose the data to unintended third parties, but users must take appropriate care to protect not public data 和 disclose it only to persons who are legally entitled to access. 非法披露非公开数据的用户将受到纪律处分.


Access to 和 the responsible use of modern information resources are essential to the pursuit 和 achievement of excellence at St. 云州. The University encourages appropriate use of e-mail to enhance productivity through the efficient exchange of information in education, 研究, 公共服务和思想表达. 这些资源的使用必须符合这些目标. 作为圣. 云州社区, everyone is expected to act in accord with the following general principles based on the acceptable law as well as common sense, 常见的礼貌, 文明应用于网络计算环境:

Messages sent as electronic mail should meet the same st和ards for distribution or display as if they were tangible documents or instruments. 在所有电子通讯中清楚准确地表明自己的身份. Concealing or misrepresenting your name or affiliation to dissociate yourself from responsibility for your actions is never appropriate. 电子邮件航线的变更, 留言或张贴是不道德的,可能会受到纪律处分. One test of appropriateness would be to never “say” anything via e-mail that you would not be willing to say directly to a person.

注意共享网络资源的固有局限性. 没有任何计算机安全系统可以绝对阻止一个不怀好意的人访问存储的信息, 和圣. 云州不能保证电子文档的隐私性或机密性.

尊重他人的权利. 不要发送辱骂、威胁或骚扰的材料. Civil discourse is at the heart of a university community free of intimidation 和 harassment 和 based upon a respect for individuals as well as a desire to learn from others. 而对争议性问题的辩论是不可避免和必要的, you 可以 not use the University's electronic communication in a manner that violates the University's policies or applicable laws against discrimination or harassment including policy 和 laws against sexual harassment. 学生应有的标准或行为, 有关使用电话的教职员工, 库, 其他机构资源也适用于电子邮件的使用. You will be held no less accountable for your actions in situations involving e-mail than you would be in dealing with other media.

使用大学的系统从事浪费和破坏性的做法是不可接受的, 例如创建或发送“连锁信”, “广播”信息或不需要的材料, “燃烧”, 或者使系统过载. This effort is consistent with existing practices governing other forms of communication on campus including telephone calls, 公告栏发帖, 大量派发传单及使用校内邮件服务.

根据明尼苏达州雇员关系部行政程序第. 第32条和明尼苏达州法规第43A条.38岁的再分. 4、禁止政治传播. This would include transmissions which advocate the election of particular c和idates for public office at either the federal, 州或地方层面. 这也禁止发送包含宗教立场或活动信息的信息. Also banned are those messages that advocate support of or opposition to any particular referendum proposal that will be decided by the voters during the general or special election affecting the public at large.Those using e-mail for legitimate educational purposes should be careful to abide by the statute cited above; other examples of inappropriate personal use of the system include, 但不限于, 赌博, 为任何目的筹款,除非学校批准或促进宗教立场或活动.

电子邮件和其他网络资源不得用于商业目的或个人经济利益. 这样做将违反明尼苏达州法律. 这并不排除使用电子邮件来协助调查和支持供应商的产品, 例如产品的用户对产品的相对优点和缺点的讨论, the distribution of information or technical support material by request or vendor responses to questions about their products, 只要回复不具有征求的性质.

您应该遵守您可以访问的所有系统和信息的安全限制. 干扰或破坏网络用户的活动, equipment or services including the intentional distribution of viruses or seeking unauthorized access to machines on the network are prohibited.

Conduct which involves the use of information resources to violate a university policy or regulation or state or federal law, 或者侵犯他人的权利, 严重的滥用行为是否会限制你的特权,并采取适当的纪律处分和/或法律行动. 大学不负责传播诽谤或诽谤, 但将适当地调查和处理这些不必要的传输与消息发送者. 如果收到未经请求或不需要的互联网传输, 或者出现关于St. 云州邮箱,你应该联系赫斯基科技.

E-mail managers 和 network system administrators should not monitor or access the contents of electronic 文件 except as noted in this policy.



  • 总资讯保安主任()
  • 副资讯科技总监(Phil Thorson)

The Affirmative Action Office will be notified of complaints regarding the transmission of discriminatory material. One of the Information 服务 Directors will work with Campus Security 和/or other appropriate offices to investigate the complaint to make a determination of its validity. 在员工被调查的情况下, 如果确实发生了违规行为, 校园安全主管应通知员工的直接主管和其他适当的办公室. 员工的直接主管, 与其他大学办事处协商, shall impose proper action in a form 和 process consistent with public employee laws 和 collective bargaining agreements.


St. 云状态公告板

公告板提供St. 云州的教职员工有一个互动空间,他们可以在这里发布和查看公告, 信息和事件的类别,如出售项目, 免费物品, 想要的物品, 校园公告, 社区公告, 丢失物品, 校园活动, 及社区活动. 访问 列表服务和公告板 欲了解更多信息,请访问 登录 使用布告栏.


全年, 需要技术停机时间,以便对系统硬件和软件进行维护和升级.  Proactively scheduling 和 adhering to scheduled downtime windows increases the probability that systems will not fail during other periods of time.

积极的规划使校园选民了解技术的时代 可以 不在. 每周安排两次潜在的停机时间,使我们在应用维护版本时更加灵活, 安全补丁, 并在可用时进行更新, 从而为问题提供更及时的修复,并允许我们更快地响应安全威胁.


  • 所有星期二早上5点到7点
  • 所有星期日上午5点至9点

如果在某一特定时期内不需要工作,则不会使用停机时间. 如果计划重大停机,将提前通知受影响的用户.  有时, work will be performed on technical systems during these periods that we do not expect will result in significant downtime for users (significant is defined as more than 10 minutes of downtime).  在这种情况下,在开始工作之前不会再发出额外的通知. 


不可预见的紧急情况或特殊情况(停电), 硬件故障, 例如,需要在其他日期和时间停机的情况将在必要时通知.